Kangeta Kilimo
Kangeta Kilimo supports the efforts of both private farmers and international agencies in monitoring and control of pests of economic importance. For over a decade kangeta kilimo has provided state of the art semio-chemicals and proprietary controlled release products to attract and capture fruit flies and other pests
Kangeta kilimo seeks to provide superior products and services to support international agencies, as well as the private sector, in developing and implementing the most effective, economical, and sustainable Integrated Pest Management (IPM) systems and programs possible.
The main objectives for which the Company was established among others are:
- To carry out the business of import and export agro- chemicals, fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, seeds, and to establish factories for agro chemical processing, packing & distribution and agro- products and research laboratory.
- Training of Farmers on best farming practise
Accountability; loyalty; honesty; integrity; trustfulness; community service; empowering the people; innovation; inclusiveness;
To establish the foundation for a sustainable agricultural crops production coupled with technology for increasing income, nutritional value and food security.
To help society and community in initiating organic and inorganic control measures on pest and diseases in crops production.