MedFly trap

Mediterranean Fruit Fly (ceratitis capitata)


Product Information:

Pheromone lures mimic the natural emitted sex pheromone, to attract male adult insects. With recommended pheromone trap, the targeted insects are attracted and then restrained. This is to determine the presence of the target insects, or monitor their population. Monitoring is an important part of integrated pest management, it allows the growers to discover the insect damaging risks early, and then apply controling method accordingly. Applying large quantities of lures and traps is identified as mass trapping. Mass trapping is to restrain large quantities of male adult insects, and then to decrease mating chances and population of the later generation.


Applying pheromone lures: Lures are applied into the traps, and then install traps into fields or greenhouses.

Recommended apply rate: Monitoring - 15 units/hectare; Mass trapping - 15 units/hectare


Major benifits:

Environmental friendly - Pheromone products affect little to the environment.

Safe - No toxic and safe to human and other organisms.

Natural - Natural identical synthetic pheromone, no resistance.

Specis specific - Safe for beneficial insects.

Mediterranean Fruit Fly (ceratitis capitata)

Natal Fruit Fly (ceratitis rosa)

  • Common Name

    Oriental fruit fly

  • Packaging

    1 units per pack

  • Field Life

    90 Days

  • Shelf Life

    3 years

  • Recommended Trap










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